- Good-bye,my dear Count,must you go so soon? 再见,亲爱的伯爵,您这就走吗?
- On no condition must you go alone. 你绝对不可以一个人走。
- On no account must you go there. 你决不可去那里。
- Why must you go to this expense? 何必这么破费?
- "Must you go? Can't you stay?" (Charles J. Vaughan). “你一定要走?你不能留下来吗?” (查尔斯·J·沃恩)。
- What preparations must you do before you go on a travel? 出国前会做些什么准备功夫?
- "Why must you leave us, dear bear, and where will you go?" Asked Snow-white. “你一定要离开我们吗?亲爱的熊,那你到哪里去?”白玫瑰问道。
- Take it gently; why must you go at everything like a bull at a gate? 处事从容不迫些,你为什么一定做每件事都要这么鲁莽呢?
- What is the path to true happiness? How far must you go to find happiness? 什么是通往真正幸福的道路?你究竟要走多远才能找到幸福?
- If you go to a private hospital you must pay. 如果你去一家私立医院就诊,你得付费。
- I will go, provided that you go too. 你也去的话我就去。
- Must you dash off? Why not stay for a cup of tea? 你一定要急急忙忙走吗?为何不留下喝杯茶呢?
- Jack: Well, I must be leaving now, it's getting late. Miss Li: Must you go so soon? Jack: I hope so, too. See you. 哦,我必须得走了,天已经不早了。李小姐:你必须这么快就走吗?杰克:恐怕是的。李小姐:好吧,希望我们能再会。杰克:我也希望这样。再见。李小姐:再见。
- Must you for me pay taxes to your reward? 你必须为我付给你的报酬而交税吗?
- Must you drag politics into everything? 你非得事事都把政治扯进来吗?
- His father and mother replied, 'Isn't there an acceptable woman among your relatives or among all our people?Must you go to the uncircumcised Philistines to get a wife? 他父母说,在你弟兄的女儿中,或在本国的民中,岂没有一个女子,何至你去在未受割礼的非利士人中娶妻呢?
- I don't care a brass farthing where you go. 你上哪儿去,我才不管呢!
- In no circumstances must you forget to lock the safe. 您无论如何不能忘锁保险箱的门。
- Please unplug the TV before you go to bed. 临睡前请拔下电视机的插头。
- Could we have a word before you go to the meeting? 你去开会之前,咱们能私下说句话吗?